It is a falsehood to say European cabinet can only be applied on a large & square kitchen layout, while the straight-minded design makes the space unutilized. It is probably the reason customer turns to the tailor-made fitting out.
The truth is, Italian Arredo3 kitchen cabinet is far more down-to-the-earth than you thought. The practical-driven products can fit in Hong Kong`s living environment easily, and it is totally budget-friendly choice to present the European styles in your home!

The following case study is a demonstration design on a typical residence`s kitchen in Hong Kong. The irregular layout – entrance position and raked wall, has already limited the position for refrigerator. Tailor-made fitting out is not the only choice here. Let`s see what Arredo3 can do.

The U-shaped Arredo3 kitchen can easily bend-in the small kitchen with no pressure. There is a clear division of sink, induction, storage and refrigerator. Looking through the entrance, you shall be impressed by the visual appeal mixed with white & wooden material finishing. On the opposite side, the half-body working level creates plenty of spaciousness for the kitchen.

We offer design & consultant service for every kitchen case. In this case study, we have amended a beveled cabinet edge near the entrance, which shall enhance the openness and accessibility for the users.
Based on the above demonstrated design and materials*, the kitchen cabinet shall cost you NO MORE than HKD100,000. (Including site measurement, design, delivery and installation) European quality but on a competitive price.
*Material chosen: Laminate
*Included delivery and installation
*Excluded the appliances, counter-top, sink & mixers